viernes, 23 de diciembre de 2011

German Gas Mask M30/M38 (Gasmaske Modell 1930/38)

Thinking in the gas attacks of World War I the gas mask was a standard piece of german soldiers along World War II.Starting with a early Reichswehr model from 1930 (M30) were changed sometimes before and during the war 1935,1936,1938 (M38) finishing in 1945,anywhere some units were using M30 model finishing the war.The cases models went from 25 to 27.5 cms with only 2.5 cms larger in highest models.After 1941 cases were reforced and marked with a D in the bottom out of the case.The lasgest model was more used at the final of the war but in some units were used both models at same time.Mask  and cases were markeds with eagles and stamps and today is very difficult to get a copy because  there are a lot of originals in a good form and  price.

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