martes, 27 de diciembre de 2011

The german stick grenate or Stielhandgranate Model 24

Well known in british army slang like the "potato masher", was the most common hand grenade during the 2 world wars in the german army. Produced from 1915 with a pull cord ran down the hollow handle from the detonator with explosives in the head, a great number of dangerous accidents change the original design  of the cord finally in 1917 when was built the definitive model. Pulling the cord the grenade had a five seconds fuse burning. Any allied grenade were launched around 12 metres but the sticks grenades become the double distance 30 -40 yards. German safety norms aply a transportation of the grenades first in wooden boxes and later in metal boxes without fuses with the legend "Before use insert detonator". A specials units of these grenades were sent to Russia with the logo K ( KALT/COLD) on them because normals with cold climate could cause to fail to detonate.Were made to the final of the war when material problems in Germany made think in other compact grenades. A thousands of these went with allied soldiers homes like souvenirs.
Price  today: + - 150 US Dollars.

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